30 Goals By The Age Of 30

1. Build Emergency Fund

An emergency fund serves as a backup plan for unforeseen expenses. Although the 2020 crisis and lockdown have led some experts to recommend up to one year’s worth of spending as an emergency fund, usually emergency savings should normally include three to six months’ worth of expenses.

In the covid pandemic, when we had no jobs, I found that youngsters had no money as they had not saved a penny. Very few of them saved money as emergency funds. I learned that we should at least have Rs.1 lakhs as emergency funds in our bank account.

2. Side Hustle

My side hustle is the only thing that made me independent financially. I started blogging as a hobby but now I make good money out of it. I would suggest you to start one side hustle like blogging, youtube, freelancing, and many more.

Once you start making money from your side hustle try to automate the process so that you can work on another project to create another source of passive income.

3. Invest In Retirement

If you want a stress-free life in your last days then you should definitely invest in retirement. Save some money for your retirement. Saving for retirement has many benefits like:-

– Financial security in old age
– Helps you make better career and financial decisions
– Early retirement won’t be so scary
– You won’t worry about being a burden to your kids

4. Exercise Daily

Exercising has a plethora of advantages. A healthy body is said to equal a healthy mind. I recommend that you exercise for at least 30 minutes five times a week. Learn about the advantages of exercise and how it may improve your life.

5. Reading 10 Books In A Year

10 should be the minimum number. Read as much as you can. Reading is the fastest way to gain knowledge. Many great leaders and businessmen wrote their journey in books you can gain their years of experience in a few hours. Learn the benefits of reading books.

6. Create A Legit Budget

The first step towards wealth is creating a budget. By creating a budget we can find out about our expenses and can control unnecessary money leakage. Creating a budget is one of the 12 things to do at the start of every month. Know about the other 11 things to do at the start of the month.

7. Get A Credit Card

Get a credit card and use it wisely. Maintain a good credit score. There are many ways to do that. One of the best ways is to take a small amount of credit and pay before the deadline. This is the best way (I think so) to increase your credit value.

8. Debt Free

Get out of the debt zone. Debt brings stress in life. If possible avoid borrowing money. If you are in debt, free yourself from this trap before the age of 30.

“What can be added to the happiness of a man who is in health, out of debt, and has a clear conscience?”
-Adam Smith

9. Find True Friends

Always prioritize quality over quantity while making friends. The following are some attributes of a true friend.

– They celebrate your success.
– They listen and support you in your hard time.
– They listen deeply rather than only imposing their thoughts.
– They challenge you to grow.

10. Eat Healthy Food

Meals should be high in fiber and starchy carbohydrates. Consume plenty of fruits and vegetables. Consume more fish, including some oily varieties. Sugar and saturated fat should be avoided. Reduce your salt consumption as well. Adults are advised to consume less than 6 g of salt each day. Every day, drink at least 2 liters of water, and never, ever miss breakfast.

11. Large Purchase Rule

Before you spend money on something, consider whether it is necessary for you. Because we usually buy something and only use it two or three times. So, even if you believe you need to buy something, don’t rush. Wait 15 to 20 days, and if you still feel the same way after that time, go ahead and buy it.

12. Buy Your First Home

Purchase your first house before the age of 30. This will provide you with a sense of security. I will not advise you to buy a big home, but instead to invest in assets. Because no matter what house is a liability. The larger the home, the higher the costs.

13. Take Big Risks

In Indian cinema, one dialogue is famous that is “Risk hai to Ishq hai” which means “If there is a risk then there is love”. The biggest risk is not taking any risk. So take risks but every risk should be well calculated and you should do the homework before making big decisions.

14. Start An Online Business

As we discussed side hustles in the second point. I will suggest you start an online business too. It will be easy to start an online business if your side hustle is any online work like youtube, blogging, or freelancing. I don’t know about Redbull but an online side hustle can literally give wings to your online business.

15. Learn How To Code

This is not only about coding. You can learn any skill from the sea of options that can help you make money. A few well-paying skills are – Sales, Digital Marketing, Copywriting, Web Designing, SEO, Trade Skills, App Development, and Coding.

16. Fail And Learn

If you learn something from your failure then it is not actually a failure. If you fail then try to find out the reasons and mistakes you have done and learn from these mistakes and never repeat the same mistake again.

17. Have A Relationship

The term “relationship” here refers to a romantic relationship. Everyone should have someone with whom they can share anything in their lives. If your partner is not toxic, you have all you need.

18. Get A Degree

Don’t be fooled by idiotic quotes. A decent degree will always assist you in landing a good career. You must first obtain a good job, save money, and then begin your business. Even if you have enough money to start your firm right away, a degree will be quite beneficial.

19. Pay Off Your Study Loan

Many students take out student loans, which are, unfortunately, very expensive. In India, one of my friends took out an Rs.1 million loan and had to return Rs.1.5 million. So, if you have a debt, pay it off and avoid these bankers.

20. Buy Your First Car

Before you turn 30, buy yourself a car that fits your budget. Don’t spend as much as you would at home because your car is a liability like your home.  You should check out what Warren Buffet Rode at least once.

21. Build Your Own Website

You must create your own website. You can also use the website as a résumé or portfolio. A website is the most effective way to show others what you do. My website serves as a personal journal in which I tell the story of my journey.

22. Learn A Foreign Language

Learning a new language can help you become smart. I am not saying that but this is proven in research.

23. Donate $10k

Help others. Donating money is one of the simplest ways to help people. Make it a goal to donate more than $10,000 by the age of 30. I donate 20% of my profits from this and my other websites.

24. Learn 100 New Things

Learn 100+ new things. For example, swimming, playing guitar, skating, solving Rubik’s cube, etc. Read – These 7 Hobbies Will Make You Smart – Scientifically Proven

25. Learn Basic Cookery

Cooking can literally save your life. At some point, we all have to leave our homes. This ability comes in very handy at that time. You can’t consume outside food every day. Street food is bad for both your health and your wallet.

26. Save $1k per month

Make it a habit. Saving money is very helpful. Always follow the 50-30-20 rule which means 50% earnings in daily expenses, 30% income on investments, and 20% in saving account.

27. Invest

As I said in the upper point follow the 50-30-20 rule for investing. You should invest 30% of your total income on the regular basis.

28. Find True Passion

A passion for one’s work makes life happier and work no longer work. What is your passion? If you don’t know about your passion till now then find it.

29. Travel 5 Countries

What is the value of living if you were born and died in the same place? So, take advantage of every opportunity to travel. Traveling may teach you about various cultures and provide you with many memories.

30. Document Your Life Story

In your personal diary, write about all of your past events. Reading what you wrote about yourself two or three years ago is, believe me, the best feeling.

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